FLFI Initiatives


Water Monitoring

FLFI has partnered with Whitefish Lake Institute and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to participate in the Northwest Montana Lakes Volunteer and Monitoring Network Program (NWMTLVMN). Our citizen scientist volunteers will monitor the water quality and identify and report Aquatic Invasive Specie (AIS) for Lake Five.

Through this program lake data will be collected to report the health of the lake. Data collected in this program will provide resource managers and community group’s information to help make educated decisions regarding water quality and wildlife issues. FLFI is also lunching a similar study with the University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station.



Lake Five is nestled in a thriving wildlife corridor in Flathead County, Montana. The area is home to a diverse group of animals who depend on the lake, surrounding streams and wetlands to survive. One of the most unique specimens is the Common Loon. FLFI is partnering with the Montana Loon Society to study the Loon population and feeding areas on and around the Lake.

The United States Forest Service has appointed the common loon a species of special status because of threats from habitat damage and toxic metal poisoning.


Wetland and Tributary Streams

Lake Five is also home to distinctive Wetlands. Wetlands are a crucial part of the lakes’ environment. They not only protect the shores from wave action they also absorb pollutants and improve the water quality.

Adjacent streams and wetlands to Lake Five are endanger of development and lack of protection.  Our organization plans to study these wetlands to learn how to better protect them.